dog bite personal injury lawyer beware of dog sign

Dog Bites in Grand Rapids, MI

If you have a dog bite issue, contact Keilen Law today to discuss and explore your options.

All of us are used to seeing dogs around, but few people think about the legal aspects of owning a dog. What happens when a dog bites someone? Is the owner responsible for the injury? At Keilan Law in in Grand Rapids, MI, we’re experts in representing clients for dog bites and other animal attacks.

What to Do If Your Dog Bites Someone

Dog bites are serious business, so you can’t afford to ignore someone who says they’re taking you to court. You need to contact the expert attorneys at Keilan Law right away. We can help you prepare a legal defense and avoid the costly damages often associated with animal attacks.

One way to defend yourself against a lawsuit for dog bites is to prove that the other person provoked your dog. According to Michigan law, provocation is an important exception to cases of dog bites. Teasing, poking, stepping on, offering food, or hurting a dog can all be considered a provocation.

Another option for dog bite cases is showing that the person was trespassing. If sellers unlock your gate to knock on your front door and get bitten by your dog, they can be considered trespassers. Owners aren’t usually liable for this type of animal attack.

What to Do If Bitten by a Dog

In Michigan, you can file a lawsuit against the owner of dangerous dogs that bite you. You don’t need to prove that a dog has bitten people before because Michigan enforces strict liability from the first bite. However, there is a statute of limitations on lawsuits for animal attacks, so you need to act as soon as possible by contacting our legal team.

You may also be able to sue if you or a loved one’s injury was caused by a dangerous dog, even if the injury wasn’t specifically a bite. For example, a senior adult is walking down the sidewalk and an out-of-control dog jumps and knocks them down, causing a hip fracture. The dog’s owner could be held liable for the injury, medical costs, and other damages.

How to Protect Your Interests

Working with a law firm experienced in dog bites is essential for protecting your interests. Filing a lawsuit can help you receive compensation:

  • Medical bills
  • Treatment
  • Time away from work
  • Physical pain
  • Emotional suffering
  • Potential long-term injuries

Our experience can help you get the full compensation you deserve. At Keilen Law, we have an excellent reputation because we focus on your needs first.

What if you have been wrongfully sued for a dog bite that wasn’t your fault? You need to take steps to keep your finances safe. Your family depends on it.

Let us represent you in court skillfully and professionally. We explain every step of the process in an easy-to-understand way. To learn more about your dog bite laws in Michigan, contact us right away.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Patri Sierra

In my occupation as a financial planner and wealth manager, I come in contact and work with lawyers constantly. I want you to know that Adam Keilen is unlike any other lawyer that you have ever experienced. His initial consultations are complimentary. He uses his time to get to know you, your expectations, goals, and objectives. This also gives you the opportunity to get to know him as well. When you spend time with Adam, you can tell that he is actually interested and vested in providing you the best care and service for your needs. He gives you an accurate quote, he gives you suggestions and advice that pertain to exactly what you are asking without dancing around any issues. He makes sure that nothing is exposed, and that everything is taken care of when it comes to your estate being perfectly planned. Adam created my LLC, and my family trust. Whenever I had a question about anything, I had access to Adam and his expertise. He answered my questions promptly and accurately and he had our trust done just as quickly. I would recommend Adam Keilen from Keilen Law to anyone who is interested in ensuring that their estate is in order, to anyone who does not want anything in their estate to go through probate court, and to anyone who needs to create an LLC for their small business. He truly is the best of the best.

— Tiffany A. Welka, Vice President at VFG Associates, LLC